Alright, so dad's slacking. I didn't take any pictures on Boston's 6 month birthday last week so we took a whole bunch this weekend.
Say no to this face? Mom and dad are in for a real treat the more charming this kid gets.
Kjerstin decorated the Christmas tree for Boston's first Christmas. We had to let him help a little so he didn't feel like he wasn't participating. Boston's job was to lubricate the ornaments with lots and lots of slobber so they slid onto the branches all nice and easy.
We took our Christmas card pictures today. We played around and had some fun while we were at it.
I've been slacking on the monkey pictures, too. This is not an optical illusion, Boston's head is almost as big as George's. Boston was roughing George up a bit, just to remind him who's Bos.
One of life's smallest, and yet infuriating, frustrations is seeing your kids doing the cutest, funniest and most memorable things and you either don't have a camera or the camera doesn't click fast enough to catch it. Well, evidently it's just me because Kjerstin was able to catch some of these funny faces Boston has been making lately.
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