Sunday, December 27, 2009


Merry Christmas!

Boston's first Christmas was pretty darn fun! We had the brilliant idea of letting him open his presents first thing in the morning before his after-breakfast nap... maybe not the best idea.

But our little trooper forged ahead and at least got a pretty good haul.

After our failed attempt at instilling Christmas-morning jitters we headed to Grandpa and Grandma Jones' house where I foolishly forgot to get any pictures, but Boston got some awesome P.J.'s. We then headed for Big Sky country to visit Great Grandpa Mac. First things first, the two McNallys had to size each other up...

...after which Boston showed Grandpa how he can tell time with his mouth.

Boston got another chance to be excited for presents. Grandma helped him open them and monitored his wrapping-paper intake. Enjoy this "First Christmas Part II" montage.

Boston also got to take a bath in Grandma Kate's cool claw-foot tub.

And finally, we lowered Boston's bed for the first time because... he's starting to pull himself up. They grow up so fast.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Six Months Old!

Alright, so dad's slacking. I didn't take any pictures on Boston's 6 month birthday last week so we took a whole bunch this weekend.

Say no to this face? Mom and dad are in for a real treat the more charming this kid gets.

Kjerstin decorated the Christmas tree for Boston's first Christmas. We had to let him help a little so he didn't feel like he wasn't participating. Boston's job was to lubricate the ornaments with lots and lots of slobber so they slid onto the branches all nice and easy.

We took our Christmas card pictures today. We played around and had some fun while we were at it.

Boston just loves his mommy.

I've been slacking on the monkey pictures, too. This is not an optical illusion, Boston's head is almost as big as George's. Boston was roughing George up a bit, just to remind him who's Bos.

One of life's smallest, and yet infuriating, frustrations is seeing your kids doing the cutest, funniest and most memorable things and you either don't have a camera or the camera doesn't click fast enough to catch it. Well, evidently it's just me because Kjerstin was able to catch some of these funny faces Boston has been making lately.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


A Pretty Funny Kid

Boston is turning into quite the character. Here's just a few examples.

Kjerstin was letting Boston stand on her when he decided sitting like this was much more comfortable.

Funny enough. But, then he decided to show mommy some love...

...and then some more love...

...and then he decided to eat her face.

Boston was my assistant while I fiddled with my odometer.

"Needle nose pliers! Thanks, Boss!"

Boston is starting solid foods! We scrimped for awhile and got him his very own high chair and he just loves it.

"Is dad getting this? Make sure he gets this, mom, I'm not paying him for amateur work."

Grandma and Grandad Lee sent Boston his new favorite pajamas. They're so comfy looking that I am now on the hunt for some fleece footy p.j.s in XXXL.

Boston and George... like peanut butter and jelly... or honey in my case.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Happy Halloween!

Boston's first Halloween was so fun it was scary. With his theme animal being elephants Kjerstin thought it would be fitting that he dress up as one. Finding that it's almost impossible to find an infant elephant costume she sat down and made one! Boston and I were very impressed. At any rate, it was a day he'll never forget!

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 26, 2009


Boston is Fast... Asleep

Hooray! More pictures of the boy sleeping! I really do think they're funny so here's a couple of our favorites.

Yes it's contagious... just ask Grandpa Jones. This isn't the only thing they like to do together but it certainly is peaceful.

Maybe it's a grandpa thing. Grandpa Rubert was supervising our apartment cleaning and Boston was our distraction-man. The goofing off was about to start but we forgot Grandma Rubert was there, too. Oh well, at least Boston did his job.

Ok, this one isn't of snoozeville but it's one of Kjerstin's favorites. Boston is working on a revolutionary type of reading technique in which all the elements of his digestive system are involved in the process. Needless to say the plastic books are better for the old budget.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Just Growin' and Stuff

I have been really slacking in the taking pictures department. We had our friends Jeremy and Becka over last weekend and I was a knuckle-head and didn't take any pictures. Luckily Jeremy grabbed a few. Here are my favorites.

Boston is proving more and more every day that he is a male. All he wants to do when he gets home is get his pants off, plop down on the couch and take total control of the remote (pun intended).

Boston helped me redeem myself a little. I had an attitude problem years ago when we tried to get a picture of Kaden with me in my pads (I don't know how I got in my head I was too cool, or even cool at all, really). It's always been one of my top five regrets so I made sure Boston and his big Uncle Kaden don't miss out on the same opportunity I did.

Finally, it was such a beautiful day yesterday we thought we'd try to get some family pictures. We went out to Beaver Dick park and Boston's Aunt Allison snapped some pics for us. There will definitely be more to come because it was pretty dang fun.