Sorry for another delay, folks. We've moved to the booming metropolis of Rigby, Idaho and just as soon as we finish getting upacked we'll put some pictures of Boston in his new pad. We're going to miss our old apartment, of course, because it was Boston's first home... but, it's time to move on (pun intended). While our hands have been fairly preoccupied packing, lifting, stacking, scrubbing, dusting, unstacking, etc., etc. we did manage to snap a couple of pictures of our sweet little man. Enjoy!
Boston found out how much fun being upside down can be. What a rush!
The only picture we have so far in the new house is of this daring rescue attempt of Boston from the gaping jaws of a ferocious... ok, the jig is up... Aunt Meagan gave Boston this elephant towel and he finds it totally unforgettable (get it?).
This isn't exactly an Oscar worthy performance but it was pretty funny to see how much fun Boston can have with a newspaper. He just ate it right up!
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