Don't feel bad if you laughed when he cratered at the end... I do every time.
Of course, we were all excited at the start of this week to show you this video...
But then Friday rolled around and he just decided he didn't need the toy... just like that.
So now the rest of this post will be just as anticlimactic.
Boston has been enjoying having free reign of his room. Kjerstin poked her head in to check on him and, what was he doing? Reading. What a good boy!
We also had Boston's first Easter and the boy made out like a bandit. He really, really enjoyed the Muppets DVD... case.
No, it's not you're imagination, that is a DeLorean that Boston is ruining his appetite with. We tried to warn Doc and Marty but they didn't take into account Boston being faster than 88 mph.
And for a final treat... here's Boston's first swing.